If one of your fingers gets stuck when you make a fist and it is accompanied by shooting pain and popping, it might be a condition called trigger finger. Tom...
Stomach ache, headache, dizziness, and nausea are all symptoms you might hear from your child on a school day morning. The condition may even get worse as it gets closer...
We know by now there is, unfortunately, no Fountain of Youth, but that doesn’t mean you can’t expand your life expectancy. A new medical study is suggesting that watching cat...
When you have a family member with advanced cancer, the final days can be very difficult, especially if you are also their caregiver. However, they can also be a special...
Puberty is not only awkward for teens, but for parents too. Are you prepared to talk with your daughter about the changes in her body? In this episode, Dr. Cindy...
Believe it or not, April is the most common month for four- wheeler- and ATV- related injuries, with Easter weekend being the worst. Dr. Troy Madsen explain why he sees...
Patients today have access to more information than ever before when it comes to our health. But with something as serious as colorectal cancer, no amount of research can replace...
Researchers have unexpectedly found that a drug that has been used for the past 50 years to treat heart failure and high blood pressure also inhibits infection by the Epstein...
As scary as it might sound, cornea transplant surgery is actually very safe. Advances in the past 10 years have even allowed eye surgeons to shorten recovery time for some...
Learn about some of the things you have in your home that kids can easily mistake for things that they eat and drink everyday. Sherrie Pace from Utah Poison Control...
One in 20 women will have some kind of uterine abnormality. Most won’t realize they have the condition until there are complications with a pregnancy. On this episode of “The...
Carri Lyons was only 39 years old when she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. And that wasn’t even her first cancer diagnosis. This is Carri's story about clashing with cancer...
Tooth decay is the most common chronic children’s disease in the country—even more chronic than allergies. Over 40 percent of children will have tooth decay before kindergarten. And those who...
One in 5,000 women is born without a uterus—a condition called MRKH syndrome—making it impossible to carry a child. This is usually diagnosed during the adolescent years, and Dr. Kirtly...
Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome, but a new approach may prove to help patients suffering from dependency. Through mental training, doctors are working to...
It’s not something most pregnant women want to plan for when preparing for their new baby to be born: complications. Knowing what to expect when a complication occurs is crucial...
It may be unsettling to realize, but roughly eight percent of our DNA is viral in origin, meaning it came from infections our ancestors battled long ago. New research published...