Adolescents & Teen Health
During adolescence, as you know, your body begins to change with puberty and your menstrual cycle begins. You are also going through emotional changes, which are part of forming your own unique identity.
As your body changes, so do your nutritional needs; your body mass will almost double, so you鈥檒l need more calories and nutrients than at any other time in your life.
Know Healthy Guidelines
Your metabolism rate is also high. You may be able to get away with the occasional cheeseburger at night and still fit into your skinny jeans the next day, but the habits you develop now will have long-lasting effects. Creating a healthy living plan for diet and exercise will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age.
Maintaining a high fitness level will also lower your risk for disease, reduce stress, and protect your bones and joints.
Balance Your Body, Mind, & Emotional Health
As your body matures, your emotional health changes too. You may become self-conscious and start to diet. Some girls take dieting too far and run the risk of developing eating disorders.
Others will struggle with other emotional and physical health problems, including drug addiction, abuse, and the consequences of unprotected sex, like STDs or early pregnancy.
Being aware of health guidelines and tests will help you stay healthy through your adolescent and teen years. Once you become sexually active you鈥檒l need to get regular health screenings.
You should also learn the basics about breast health; when you grow out of your teens, this will be very important to remember.
Be Healthy, Be Happy
At this time of life, maintaining a balance between your physical, mental, and emotional health will help you prepare for a happy, healthy life.
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Services for Adolescents & Teens
Resources for Teens
Teens & Body Shaming: 5 Ways You Can Help Your Teen Have a Better Body Image
Whether you remember your teenage years with a shudder or appreciation, we all know how vulnerable teenagers are when it comes to body image.
IUDs: An Effective Form of Birth Control For Teens
Birth control is a tricky subject, especially when it comes to teens. Many states, including Utah, do not allow any discussion of birth control other than of abstinence in classrooms.